Running on empty

Literally. Not through design, but through circumstance, I've had nothing to eat the last couple of days but cereal for breakfast and then a bowl of soup during the day. This morning, I did a 10 mile run and towards the end, I could tell that the tank was just about empty. On the plus side, I did complete the run without interruption, and anyone familiar with my journal will know what I am talking about. Every cloud as they say has its silver lining.

I hope you also notice the change in the wall behind me. If not, here is a reminder of how it looked before I painted it yesterday. Invested a lot of time filling holes and sanding down to make good only to discover that there was a patch full of dart holes that didn't show up until the wall was painted. Oh well, will just have to hang a picture there and charge Luke for it. It was his dart board that used to hang there.

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