Go to work on an embryo

No, I'm not a vegetarian beating the drum against eating living (or potential for living) creatures. It was just a random idea that occurred to me as I cooked breakfast this morning. I have dabbled with vegetarianism in the past but for other reasons, i.e. health and ensuring that Diana eats well. She doesn't eat meat, so if only cooking for herself, tends not to put enough thought into her meals which often results in a poor diet.

Actually, some of my favourite meals right now are vegetarian, especially a Harira, which we make with smoked tofu and chickpeas. If you read my blip yesterday, then this is the soup that I mentioned.

Jack's birthday today. Only 14, but so grown up in many ways. I*t seems to me that childhood is being pared back. Our children are being exposed to things much sooner that we were and are being forced to grow up quickly, both physically and mentally. I'm pretty certain it's not a good thing. I wonder what the long term consequences will be.

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