Da Pund

Another windy day but lovely and warm and sunny :)

Day off work today and been outside enjoying every minute of it. Up early and out with the washing and puttering about the garden. In the late morning I headed up north for a run in the car and ended up for a walk around the village of Sullom. Back home in the afternoon and in the garden to get the grass cut.
A lazy evening before heading out to work in the pub.

My granny and grandad used to live in the village of Sullom and thought I head for a walk from there old house and up to the Pund shop, seen here. Bobby Mowat used to run the shop here and I have great childhood memories of it, getting sweets while grandad pop along for errands or the long walk on a fine summers day for an ice-cream. In the background is part of the Sullom Voe oil terminal. The flare stack used to shine through my bedroom curtains at granny's. I never used to understand what it was either, at night with all the lights, I used to think it was a big city I'd never been in before :)

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