You can't see the wind..

A reasonable day today, but the wind has been steadily increasing, and it's now raining. Think we're in for a good blow tonight, with storm force winds forecast in the Minches*.

Been strimming the track down to the top veg plot, around the compost bins, exposing surface rocks, and around the apple trees and raspberries. Got a lot done. Easier if you can keep on top of it..

Took eggs to the hotel, more calendars to the shop, and then round to G's with the trailer to collect some paving slabs she wanted out of the way. Got 7 2x3's, and 5 2x2's. Don't know what I'll do with them yet, but they'll come in handy..

Music, the wonderful Eric Bogle and John Munro..

* The Minch is the stretch of water between Sutherland and the Outer Hebrides. The girl on the radio weather forecast always calls them "The Minches". There is only one!!..

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