I posted this yesterday..

..but must have forgotten to publish it.

A busy day harvesting. This is the brightest it's been all day. (Friday)

A fairly dull day, and full of midges. The worst day this year for them. Took to wearing my midge jacket, a jacket made of mesh, complete with elastic wristbands and waistband. That'll keep the blighters out. Went down the lodge to harvest lettuce, and it poured down. Midge jackets are not waterproof!!..

Continued harvesting on the croft and back up the house for two when L was coming to collect for the Fish restaurant. She took some eggs for Croftcrafts too..

Then back down to finish the harvest for the hotel. A lot of stuff today, and thanks to M who took Tanni for a walk on the beach, and then the cabbage and cauli to the hotel for us too.. By the time we'd got all the crops loaded, we wouldn't have had room for them as well.

Egg delivery, pub, and H came back for some after hours whisky again..

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