Baby girl

4years 280days

Baby Katie used to play like this a lot. Little girl Katie still likes to play like that sometimes.

This morning was an early start. So by 9am I had sewed her a pinafore for school. She had tried it on, modelled it for photos, had breakfast, put dressing up on and hosted a concert with her pretend friends.

We got the bus to town late morning to do a couple of jobs, including taking library books back. We bumped into her little friend Miss E and her little sister. They chatted in the corridor a while. Katie chose a new book ready for book club tomorrow.

Next up was her first swimming lesson of her summer crash course, to get her signed off with her breast stroke. The class size was half that of the normal classes and she got so much more achieved in the time. The teacher was really good, technique-focused and no nonsense, but in a friendly way. I think it's going to be a very productive 5days.

We managed to catch the bus home. We got off a stop early and picked blackberries on the way. As we got home, Katie asked to see her friend from round the corner. Her daddy replied that they'd just gone to soft play, if we wanted to join them. He even offered us a lift home. So the girls had a great couple of hours charging round the soft play. Katie was totally bushed by the time we got back. She didn't even want to wait for a proper cooked tea- she had a scone- before getting ready for bed straight away.

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