
4years 279days

Last night, I saw a lot of people posting about beach trips on Facebook. Katie and I had both been saying how much we wanted to go to the beach. So we called Granny & Grandad and asked if they wanted to meet us. They called back an hour later and said yes please. So we got up and out, had a babyccino on the way and got a train to Filey.

We all wanted to go straight down to the beach. Katie had a good play in the sand, making castles, before we headed down to the sea. She wasnt too impressed at first - she's always been a paddler/splasher more than anything else. But something clicked and settled for her. Before very long, she was swimming in the sea for the very first time. It made my heart happy to see her loving the sea so much. She was so happy to be there, and was beginning to trust the water. I've grown up in the sea. I feel at ease there. Watching her growing that herself was fabulous. She got a bit chilly in her bikini, ran back to the towel for some food and to warm up. She put her wetsuit on and played a bit longer. She went with Grandad to get a bucket of water, and he called me down to join them. She wanted to swim some more. The wetsuit did its job fabulously and she didnt get cold, had an even more glorious time and told me how much she loved the sea. I even got to do my first proper swim in the sea in 5 years. When I was pregnant with her, the only place I was comfortable was bobbing around in the sea with my inflatable ring. Today I got to do the sea swim I have missed since then!

Midafternoon, we headed to the kids' play pool. We had taken a small inflatable body board with us. She paddled round, kicking and kicking with a huge giggle. She came out for some food, ran back to play again. We walked up the hill to the park, she had a good play. We got ice creams, headed for a walk round the Esplanade, stopping to listen to a band and throw some pennies in the wishing wells. She wasnt too keen on the day being over! Can't blame her really, we had a great one. The beach is so good for my soul. And hers it seems

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