bucks life

By bucksmiss

Hot hot hot

I got up at 9ish and was on the road to Lincolnshire by 10am. It was a scorcher even then at 24°C and as my air conditioning is not working I drove with both windows down the whole way. As a result my hair was like a bird's nest all day! The temperature rose to 34°C and it was bloomin' hot...

I arrived at L's at midday and only P was in, with Lottie dog. I had a chat with her and we had a walk around the village to water some plants and I then went over to C's mum's house in Heckington and caught up with C, L, L and A. I had a cheeky Pimms then headed back over to L's house for a lovely evening barbecue. They invited some friends round and we all sat out in the beautiful warm evening until 11:30. Here's (a newly clipped and very smart looking) Lottie dog joining in the party on her own seat, contemplating the wine option...

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