wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Under the wire.......

Today was the 2nd in a marathon week of gigs. One last night,
Wednesday night outdoor in the park,
Thursday local sprouts,
Saturday morning Cumberland farmers market,
Saturday afternoon benefit for an animal shelter,
and Sunday Andy's old port pub.
Then we are off until the 19th when we play our first real bluegrass festival..
Then we fly off to Illinois. Whirlwind.....so I hope I can keep up with blip. I am sure I will!
Today at the farmers market brought it's typical motley crew of people and animals. I just have to ask the dog owners out there, if you have a dog that you know HATES other dogs , why would someone bring him to a farmers market? We kept singing and knew there would eventually be a dogfight.... A bit stressful. I am the ADD queen ( no seriously you are so surprised aren't you!!!) and it was distracting. There was something smelly about 10 feet away from us in the grass. Every dog HAD to roll in it. It was like clockwork. Walk by......and roll. There was a man walking two dogs on the same leash. They were connected at the end. We were fascinated at the thought of which one would roll first and would the other be flipped in the air? Like conjoined twins. We are sick sick sick people! Another man brought his big white and pink parrot with him. . No this is not a euphemism I was worried the wind would knock him off the guys shoulder but Ingrid pointed out to me that ...HELLO ITS A BIRD! They can fly. I found out that if I hold on to the pop up canopy thing, I can too.
The last of the hurricane went flying through this morning. The wind gusts were about 25 to 30 mph. Our tent top thing almost went flying. Oh and it was cold. I almost packed up my fleece but thought, hey don't be a baby. I should have taken it. The temp was about 60 degrees but with the wind chill it was about 45. Unbelievable for the 5th of July.
And speaking of the 5th of July, all the fireworks were cancelled last night. So again today we get to celebrate : national scare the crap out of your dog day. I am over the loud neighbors. I get it you like the bang bang. No matter how many you light, they won't make it grow bigger ......sorry.

So we sold out of cd's today at the market!!! It was great. Well tomorrow is a new day and I think I am going to get shots of the trestle or water lilies. So early to bed so I can get breakfast early.
Have a great night and g'day to down under....

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