wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Mono Monday

A little too close.......This would be the result of a moron driving a car and attempting to take the corner in front of our house.
No, no, no, a-hole I love the decorative touch of the deep grooves. I wasn't a fan of the green anyway. They were really close to that pole. 3 years ago they moved the pole back about 10 feet. I am sorry I don't know how big that is in km but think of me standing on my own shoulders and laying on the ground.
Ok maybe not. And do NOT ask what I am wearing.
Anyway it is 21:15 and I had not taken a blip yet.this was taken in the dark with a long exposure.
I skipped yesterday. I didn't mean to however, I had a new book to read. Julia Spencer Flemming is one of my favorite authors. Mom and I used to read them together and I hadn't thought of catching up with them until they other day. I am immersed in a guilty pleasure.
We picked out the colors for the house and my friend Anne , who owns a business that does construction, renovations, painting, you name it has painters that will come and take care of it all. I just think she is the best and I would not trust anyone else with the house.

Fitbit girl here is slacking a bit. It's ok I had to give my back a rest. I am just all out on the weekend.
My sister has given her notice at work and no longer will be working with me after Wednesday. I don't have anyone as crazy dedicated about walking as I am so... I am going to take the time to listen to my iPod and walk. I think I am really going to like that.

In other news Mia my Dad's cat has successfully chewed through my third charger cord for my iPad.
That's not inconvenient or anything. I also lost my fitbit charger. I knew it was in my purse as I charged it at work.....it died a sad death one night. So I emptied my purse twice it was not there. I did it the third time and duh duh duh........it was there. Weird.

So now I am off to iron an outfit for tomorrow. No more jeans days until the end of the month.
So until tomorrow....... Good night and G'day to down under.

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