Scenes From Da Fourth

It is 10:35 p.m., and we are home listening to the tail end of the city fireworks. The loud noises don't bother me or Lisa, but our chihauhau Niya is shaking her Taco Bell doggie spots. She HATES loud noises of any kind.

We did get up this morning and go to the parade...the biggest parade in Genesee County. Woo-hoo! If I was in charge of the parade? 1. No politicians. Nobody wants their cards...nobody wants to shake their hand. We were watching the parade on a bridge. If the politicos insist on showing up...we throw them in the river. 2. No beauty queens. We had 4 floats full of them today...eight girls in all. If they can't learn how to wave properly...don't let 'em in. 3. I know this isn't going to go over fire trucks. I think we had 9 of them today. Multiply one loud fire truck times nine. Everybody covers their ears. IT'S TOO LOUD!! 4. Every unit of the parade has to have candy to throw. Forget the fact that little ones rush into the streets (Parents...hold onto them!), and that the little league teams tend to really wing the tootsie rolls...but...EVERY UNIT MUST HAVE CANDY TO PASS OUT!

A brief explanation of the collage:
Top row...Merrick and Mar-mar, Tuba, Bagpiper, Bikers (look for Shelley (Naturelover) (Hint: she is walking.), and my daughter Karen and Merrick.

Middle row...Merrick, Shelley's S-I-L Ron, Captain America, Bow Hunter, Dad and baby, Merrick and Bomb-pop

Bottom Row...Old fire truck, Merrick and his daddy Doug (my S-I-L), Merrick when the fire trucks came by.

Hope everybody worldwide has a great weekend.

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