Scenes from the Fourth

It's been a long day, but a good day.

A ski show, a parade, a cookout, a kickball game, a long drive golf hitoff, and now we're waiting to go to our local fireworks show. BOOM!! BOOM!! ("Oohhh...ahhhh.)

A few pictures stand out in the collage. 4 pictures of Merrick, one with his Daddy Doug in the top left corner. My son Jeff along the top. He won the long drive contest, and also the 9 iron shot...hitting the roof of the sheeps play area. That's my brother Jon throwing the beanbag, and my sister Lisa in my red kayak. Our high school choir director is playing the bagpipes, and some stranger thinks he is right out of Easy Rider on the chopper. Finally, that is Shelley's grandson Brody in the red bike shirt on his bike along the bottom, and right above him...on the tandem Shelley's daughter Becky, and Becky's daughter Sanibel.

The smallest picture is the smallest by my choice. It is the picture of the winning kickball team. is not my team. For the 3rd year in a row...we lost. This year we did not score a run...losing 9-0. We missed my brother, our sparkplug, who was in New Hampshire, but I have no other excuses. We all hung our heads, and had a brief cry as we went to the garage for post-game ice cream sundaes. WAIT UNTIL NEXT YEAR!!!

8:25 p.m. now. Fireworks start at 10. KA-BOOM it into large for a closer look. Just don't look for me in the kickball picture...(sob, sob...sniff, sniff.)

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