The July Fourth Parade

Independence Day in the United States is a big holiday. in big and booming. Parades, family cookouts, downtown festivities, and then capped off by firework displays.

We didn't have it planned, but we ended sitting next to Shelley (Naturelover), her husband Al, and two of their granddaughters (in the lower left). That's my wife Lisa, along wife my daughter Karen, and Merrick eating the bomb pop.

Just above the group shot is more of Shelley's clan. Granddaughter, grandson, son-in-law, and daughter. (I think they get the award for parade participation.)

The two girls and Merrick made off with a bagful of candy that was passed out by the paraders, and a fun time was had by all.

We're getting so old that I don't think we're even going to go to the fireworks tonight. (Someone has to stay home to take care of the little chihuahua...who hates loud noises.)

My favorite part? The guy playing the bagpipes. Nothing like bagpipe music.

My least favorite part? The fire engine brigade that brings up the rear of the parade. (Too noisy...too loud.)

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