A change of pace

A day to myself today, the first in ages. It's been a pottering sort of day and I've done quite a few different things:-

Washing, blip, tidying, blip, shopping, bit of work, blip, bit of gardening, blip ... you get the picture! I even managed to sort my bike out at last. I've been so frustrated that I couldn't ride it because the removal men in January had turned the handle bars and I couldn't find a tool to undo them and put them back. There have been a few times in the last couple of weeks I really wanted to use it. Gave up looking today and went and bought a new tool and even gave the bike a wash. So, no more excuses about riding it now.

There is a fair on our church field this weekend as part of our community celebrations for Walking Day tomorrow. I deliberately left it until about 8pm to go down to soak in the atmosphere and try some slow shutter shots. I couldn't believe how dead it was at that time on a Friday night so I didn't stay long but got the shot I was trying. Tomorrow should be much busier for them.

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