Walking Day

Saturday 20th June 2015 (1029)

A very wet and grey morning for the final preparations for Walking Day. As we gathered in church for a short service at 2pm with approx 800 people, mainly children, it was still raining and we weren't looking forward to getting wet. However, the rain just stopped as we started to move outside. 

Walking Day is a traditional annual event that goes back in the village to the 1860's. As well as those walking, hundreds come out to watch, although, because of  the weather, not quite as many as last year.   

The 2 mile walk goes from the centre to one end of the village, turns and walks to the other end, then returns to the centre before the procession breaks into groups for the children to have tea in the school hall, church hall or scout and guide huts. 

The weather improved as the walk went on and by the time we were returning to the centre the sun was out and we had a blue sky. Our day is over but the village will continue the celebrations into the evening with the fair on the church field. It is now a glorious evening. 

Walking Day 2014

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