The Day of the Triffids

The weeds are taking over my garden, especially along the front and side of my house. I can't keep up with them. Some of them are giant, well over waist height, like this one! I'm being invaded!

But I do think thistles make a nice photo.

I actually have a day to myself tomorrow, with only a little bit of work to do in preparation for the weekend. Perhaps I will be able to catch up with myself a bit.

UPDATE - STOP PRESS "Murder at the Vicarage"!
I was in a meeting in my dining room and suddenly the birds started making a tremendous noise. We looked out and saw a bird of prey in the garden, then realised it had caught something. I am assuming it was a blackbird given the way the other blackbirds were reacting. I rushed for my camera and into the other room but only managed this one picture before it flew off with it's prey in it's claws. I was disappointed that my one picture wasn't sharp, it could have been such a good shot.

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