The voice of the child

4years 240days

"This is what I would like you to know about Me:
My name is Katie

Things I like to do....
Dressing up and playing in the home corner
Playing at home
Swimming and dancing
Playing outside

I feel happy when....
Being with Mummy.
And Grandad.
My Monkey"

I received the first part of her transition forms today from nursery. The part designed to give an overview of Katie socially, personally. The first section she completes, with her keyworkers help. She declined to answer about anything that made her sad. Nursery completes a page, and I have a page. I loved reading Katie's answers and Lesley's interpretation of her.. "Happy, relaxed, always busy with a variety of activities ...she likes to create situations for her and her friends to act out... Loves running, chasing and dancing to music... A very friendly, caring child...." On the front of the booklet it says "smile with pride". It's ideal really as that is exactly what the report made me do.

She had a busy morning at preschool. She was rather put out that it was overlooked that she had brought a book she wished to read to her key worker, but she did great reading to me first thing and at bedtime anyway.

We have had a fabulous afternoon together. After lunch (more marmite!!) we spent a very happy time crafting in her playroom, much glitter, chalking, gluing, stamping, colouring. We spent a lovely time in the garden, hanging laundry (she thinks that is an excellent adventure) and weeding what are to be "her" raised beds. She enjoyed relocating various small life forms we found in it. We had fun choosing a selection of seeds, one set of flowers for the smaller bed and one set of vegetables for the larger bed, which we shall plant tomorrow.

She did very well in her swimming lesson. Breast stroke seems to be clicking more cohesively. She was pleased with herself afterwards. Irritatingly, I found out today the teacher she has this set and had last time, who is really excellent, is leaving in two weeks time. After swimming we had a nosy at a classic car rally in the town centre! Some impressive cars that suitably impressed her. All in all, it's been a wonderful day.

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