My friend

5years 240days

Katie picking her "best friend" sticky weed on the way to school. "He's my best friend because he always cuddles me and stays there, mama"

She came out of school a bit frazzled. It took 15 minutes sat With her in the car before we got going to ballet. She fell asleep on the way and took quite a while to come round. She then threw herself into her class and the next one, tried various costumes on and then joined in the adult tappers rehearsal!

Classes for next year were announced today- it's big news for foundation as basically these are the classes for the next six years. They stay as a class together but move teachers each year as normal. Next year they get afternoon free flow as a cohort of 65 but the mornings are in their new classes. She has just one friend in her class so is a bit miffed. She will be fine though. I was almost certain one particular friendship split would happen and suspect it will be beneficial to Katie.

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