Play dates

3years 240days

A day off together today! We got the train and met a friend at one of their playgroups. Katie pretended briefly to be shy before getting right back into the playgroup situation, its been a long time since we've done one like this! We ten went back for a picnic and garden time with our friends. The Holstein played beautifully, I got snuggles and baby wearing cuddles with their baby. A lovely time.

We then got back on the train and headed to meet another friend. We only stayed an hour for a chat and snack as Katie was quite tired so I didn't want her to fall asleep on the train. We made it home with her awake and headed back to make tea and see our bunnies. Not long after we arrived, so did granny and grandad. Tea was eaten, Katie was flagging! So I took her out for a little walk in the wrap for some quiet snuggle time with mama. She was asleep in less than two streets.

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