Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Across Hwy. #1 from the Ocean Community of Cayucos

Today we decided to take the pups for a walk, so I mentioned to Mr. Fun the road that leads up the hills behind our beach house and across the highway as a possible place to explore. The road up the hill is paved just a short portion of the way and there is a permanent locked barricade or gate across the entrance.

The lots up the hill were sold many years ago and then it was decided that the ground is not stable enough to build on, so the lots are referred to as "paper lots." The Cayucos Conservancy continually encourages the owners of those lots to donate them to the Conservancy, so gradually the lots are given for the purpose of preserving the Central Coast.

Some of the farms/ranches across the highway from the ocean and slightly to the north of the community look quite impressive from the highway.

From California's Central Coast,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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