Getting her Creative Juices Flowing

Monday was a stay home day, as it was Memorial Day. We had no plans to do anything or go anywhere in particular, so it was a jammie day for us. I'd love to say that I got all sorts of amazing things done, but I didn't. Sugar kept herself busy working on her project for school. She is amazing. She came up with 95% of the ideas, and she got right to work. I only had to help with some of the hot gluing, as it is She is very pleased with how it is turning out. She only has to work on her speech at school now, and we'll add more plants and things right before it is due. She is super excited to share it at school.

The Hubby finally came home. He has been out to sea shrimping for nearly 2 weeks. It is good to see him. He is ready for a break.

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