
Sunday was a day of chores around the house, running errands in town, and just being together.

We started the day getting the laundry going. Then we headed to two different towns for errands. My spoiled rabbits only like the food from one town, but I needed to take two of the babies to their new home in the other town. off we went. I almost bought some baby chickens...but then I remembered that I was not CRAZY, and walked away. I have enough animals to take care of. We dropped the babies off....with kisses goodbye, and went out to lunch together. It was nice and relaxing.

Grocery shopping was next on the agenda. Whew....we really needed it. Food is essential. Then home again for a walk around our neighborhood to gather supplies for a school project Sugar is doing about the rainforest. She is REALLY.INTO.IT. I love her creativity.

Dinner....snuggles.....some tv of some sort, and off to bed. the middle of all that, I managed to leave Gizmo's cage open. She hopped out and spent wayyyyyy too much time with Bugs, our yard bunny. Sigh....she totally has to be pregnant now. Darn it. I wasn't wanting to keep her, but now I can't give someone a pregnant bunny. Soooooo I wait 30ish days to see what happens. nice.

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