
Several days ago I posted this photo of a blossom. Tuesdday, I noticed a ton of these red berries. This seems soooooooo early. I'm excited though. I adore blackberries. I even found a black one tonight and it was tasty.

It was a bit of a harsh reality going back to work and school. Sugar's cold is lingering. Probably the worst cold she has had all year. She has been so very healthy this school year. I'm grateful for that. She is still pretty sniffy, and a bit of a cough started, but she felt well enough for school.

We enjoyed some evening light when we got home though. The hubby spent his day looking for and purchasing a used vehicle to use when he has to drive to the harbor and leave the vehicle for a week or more in the salty air. He found a jeep cherokee that he is pretty happy with. It only needs the heater core replaced. He and some friends will fix that soon enough.

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