Family Photo

We slept terrible yet again...and pulled ourselves together for the drive back home. We went out for breakfast together before starting the journey. We had a small break at my parent's house....well, actually at the cemetery. My parents were there putting flags on all the veteran's graves for Memorial day weekend. Sugar usually gets to help...but not this year. Her cold was pretty bad, and we needed to just head on home. We grabbed Ivy dog from my inlaws house, and set our vehicle for home.

The pets were all so happy to see us, as The Hubby was still out shrimping. He has been gone for most of the last two weeks. I grabbed this shot of the bunnies greeting us. Funny thing is the first and last family photo for this bunch. The daddy is on the right in his own cage, and mama and the three babies are in the cage right next to him. I'm glad I snapped this. Two of the babies are going to their new home tomorrow.

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