Monday Play Date

Monday was Memorial Day.  We are grateful for those who gave their lives for our freedom.  I'm not really sure why we all get a day off from School and work to remember.....but I'm also grateful for that.  I wish all weekends were 3 days long.  I recently learned that it takes at least 48 hours to get out of "work mode", so having that third day actually gives a person a day of true relaxation.

Sugar, The Hubby and I had a quiet morning together.  The Hubby left to go Shrimping in the early afternoon, and a friend of Sugar's came by for a 3.5 hour play date.  The girls spent half of that time riding their bikes on our road, and playing at the end of the road.  They had a real sense of freedom....something neither of them have had a lot of.  It was great. 

The last half was spent snacking, playing with baby bunnies, and then a water gun fight.  They had a blast.  The weather was delightful.  

Gizmo rabbit had her babies. I felt into the nest box and found 6 warm babies.  Crossing my fingers that the next few days goes well, and the babies will all thrive.  

Sugar and I had shower, some dinner, and watched the movie Epic.  Neither of us had ever seen it. Fun movie.  A sleepover in Mama's bed ended the day perfectly.

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