We got up and our of the house we stayed in, and headed off to a big ol' science museum for the day. It was FABULOUS. There was a really wonderful Dinosaur exhibit that opened that very day. It had big animated dinosaurs. So cool. There were tons and tons and tons of other exhibits to explore. We were there for about 6.5 hours. We watched a movie about the planets in the planetarium. It made me feel so dizzy though. I had to close my eyes a lot, but I managed to enjoy it.

Afterwards we headed downtown for dinner. We met up with my friend's son and his wife. Then.....then......the big event. We had tickets for a concert. It was in the legendary Crystal Ballroom, and the main attraction was Miss Christina Perri, whom you see pictured here. Her opening act was Miss Birdy. Both were FANTASTIC. It was Sugar's first real concert....and oh boy was she excited. She is a huge fan of both Birdy and Christina Perri. She knows all of their songs by heart.

There is standing room only in the Crystal Ballroom, and the floor bounces. We got there as soon as we could, but it still didn't look like Sugar would be able to see very well. We were just going to make the best of it. Shortly after Birdy started singing a lovely young lady motioned for Sugar to come up with her, and showed her how there were several other young kids right up front, and encouraged her to join them. I was a bit uncomfortable having Sugar so far away from me, but I wanted her to be able to see. I spoke with a few of the adult in the front, and they kept an eye on the group of children there. Sugar was able to be right up front by the stage by the time Christina Perri came out. She had such a great view of the spectacular performance, and even managed to touch hands with Christina Perri twice. Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo exciting. I had no problem seeing the performance from several rows back. I got some great photos, and had a wonderful time. I do wish I could have been right next to Sugar, so that we could have experienced the concert together, but....I am so happy she had such a great time. It was awesome.

We got out late.....really, really late, and it was so hot in there. By the time we got back to our vehicle, Sugar was all stuffed up.....and her head and tummy felt bad. Poor little one. We hurried back to the house we were staying in, and got her in bed. WHEW.....what a fun filled day.....just wish Sugar felt better in the end.

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