Sky Tram

Thursday morning we rushed around the house, and loaded up the Jeep, and headed north. We ran an errand for my inlaws, and then traveled to their house to drop our Ivy dog off for a couple night sleep over. They were sweet enough to watch our Ivy while we continued north for some adventures. Sugar and I met up with my friend and her son along the way, and together arrived at our city of destination, Portland. My friend's son had a few appointments at the amazing OHSU campus. What an interesting groupings of hospitals. The architecture was incredible. It was my first time there....and same for my Sugar. What learning experience. As the day progressed we grew more and more grateful for our health. The Children's hospital is certain to bring a tear to the eye....and to cause one to hold their child a bit tighter.

The highlight of our day was a ride on the sky tram. I took this shot was we headed down the tram. We were in one exactly like the one I photographed coming up. It was pretty high up....but smooth running. We loved it. Such a fun experience, and a beautiful day to share with friends.

We had a late, late lunch, and headed on to the house of my friend's son to spend the night. It was quite warm. I hadn't brought a swimming suit for Sugar, as I didn't know there would be a pool, but there my girl swam in her leggings and shirt. She says it was strange, but totally worth it. So warm....we all didn't sleep too well despite our long day.

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