Quiet moment after the Storm of excitement

Saturday was a big day.  The morning went by slowly, as we waited for the afternoon to arrive and bring the School Talent Show with it.  Sugar has been preparing for this day for months and months.  She was so very excited to share this day with her friends and family.  She had a fun time watching the first half of the show with her cousin, and some friends.  Then it was soon to be her turn, and she seemed cool as a cucumber, and I started to get REALLY nervous for her.  This was her first solo performance, and oh my granny....I was anxious.  No need, though....my girl did great.  Stage fright did not hit this girl.  She performed her dance perfectly.  She could not have been more proud...and I was over the moon happy for her.  She also did a great job on her Tap Duet with her little friend, L.  Such a cute performance.  

We got home, and spent a bit of time with the baby bunnies.  I grabbed this shot of her with the flower she got at the Talent Show.  Sugar was ready for some peace and quiet after all the excitement.  

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