Lazy blipper

Noodle boy and Scary girl - I posted these late last night - the SP's are particularly terrifying - I was having one of those days yesterday!

A cute version of me with my boy - thanks Aunty Val!!!

Been a weird one today - started off by cooking James some sausage and bacon and the smell made me physically sick. If I didn't know better, I'd have panicked that I might have been pregnant. But I do know better! I hope.

Apart from a reflexology session this afternoon which was wonderfully relaxing, and a conversation with Nana this morning to reassure her that we would indeed see her on Christmas Eve (although she um-ed and ah-ed at first..."don't make it too early will you now love?!"), the day has passed me by in a bit of a haze - not felt right at all.

Not helped this evening by next door numpty and his friends hanging out of his bedroom window at 7.30pm smoking some pretty strong cannabis...wafting over to our front garden as I went out to my car. Ugh. Made me queasy all over again.

So this is as good as it gets tonight I am afraid - a shot of my back garden post processed with a filter of some sort. Reminds me of the start of Bagpuss for some reason!

The high spot of the day was playing a realyl random game on the X-Box with James (something to do with southpark - the volume was off so no swearing!) and I discovered I was pretty good at it - much to Jimbo's surprise. Although I have to say - I played for twenty minutes and had to stop as my right thumb and wrist were hurting like hell - how do you gamers play for so long?! Don't anyone tell me its all in the wrist ;-)

And with that, I bid you goodnight.

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