Hell is ....

Asda, 4 days before Christmas. We only went to get a couple of bits and bobs for Corin to have for his lunch tomorrow and a couple of Christmas cards. But apparently we had missed the announcement that the world's end is obviously nigh and everyone must go and shop immediately. More frustrating is the fact that my naive nature chooses to forget that this happens to me every year...why oh why?!

So this little cartoon in a book I recently acquired (Blackboard Blunders by Richard Benson) seemed apt ...as I have been subjected to Hell and its many minions today.

Noodle boy and Scary girl

I was also quite disturbed by this news article today - why would someone steal the "Arbeit macht frei" overhead from the gates at Auschwitz? It beggars belief.

Aside from our brief jaunt to Satan's lair, we have basically pottered around today. I have spent a huge amount of time in front of this computer sorting through all of my photos, consolidating files from multiple laptops and external drives - finally sorted, so everything is now backing up onto a new external drive (which will be full by the time it's done - I would really like Santa to bring me a 2TB external drive for Christmas!!!). Maybe a decent flashgun - as mine has been compromised I think by a set of new batteries that leaked inside the battery housing...any tips on cleaning it out?!

Going for reflexology tomorrow afternoon - a little treat for myself. Also need to ring the gym and book a sports massage as my neck and shoulders are once again desperately unhappy. Not even going to attempt to go to the gym tonight - our driveway is like a bumpy ice rink - it's just asking for trouble. It's time to go snowboarding on the Wii!

4 more sleeps

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