Recycle Bin Jenga

It's a game we play...the person who makes the pile topple is the one who takes it all out to the bin. Today, it was my turn - "she cannae take any more Cap'n".

We aren't lazy recyclers by throwing everything into one bin - Our local council have made recycling really easy - basically, everything that can be recycled goes into one bin, collected fortnightly, and apparently there is some monstrous sorting machine that does all the hard work! We barely throw anything away now - pretty much everything is recycled. We just need a food waste recycling and we'd be done!

I am currently having a most surreal moment - as my ex-husband is sat in James room with him, playing a game on the Xbox after taking him out for a couple of hours this evening. The ex is I think quietly bemused about how chatty and lively James is (after months of James not being that way whilst he was staying with him) and is probably quite uncomfortable about being here - which is not our intention - I've made him very welcome, made him a brew, reassured him that its fine to be here and to spend time with James. I just get the feeling that he is well out of his personal comfort zone. But, at least James is getting some quality time with his Dad, briefly, but still, it counts.

Mum - James has had his Christmas haircut - he doesn't look like a shaggy dog anymore.

Have been marking coursework mostly today...15 done. About 115 folders still to work through and update. Well, its not like I've got anything else to do!!!

more snow on the way for us apparently - maybe a white Christmas after all, and maybe staying at home was the sensible thing to plan for :-) Just hope it isn't too bad tomorrow as we were going to do all of our visiting then.

that's all folks.

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