A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

I got my wish!

After whining mercilessly (yesterday) that everyone else had snow and I didn't, I was woken this morning by Corin standing at the window saying "ooh" (not doing his monkey impression) because it had snowed overnight! Unusually for me, I was pretty much straight up and out of bed!

It has been a busy, but perfect Sunday. I chanced my arm and took the car out so that I could finish my Christmas shopping. Job done by lunchtime.

Came home, got my kit and went to the gym. Virtuous I am!

Got back home to find Jack and James attempting to make a snowman. However, they decided actually it would be far more fun to play snowballs - kids against adults (i.e. ME!)...I went to get Corin, but discovered that Corin plays "every man for himself" and has no qualms about lobbing snowballs at his future wife! I will wreak my revenge at some point. There is nothing quite so joyous as the sound of your own child squealing with utter delight despite the cold and the wet. I am so glad it snowed enough for him to get out and play in it! The rest are here

After we all got too wet and cold, we came in for bowls of steaming hot noodles, and mugs of minty hot chocolate with marshmallows.

And this afternoon, the circle of life achieved a full rotation, as I turned into my mother, and my son turned into me, about 28 years ago ...me in the kitchen cooking a sunday roast, whilst James was upstairs listening to the chart show on the radio - all that was missing was a cassette recorder for him to press pause/record on!

Happy days indeed.

I have a new book of funnies (blackboard Blunders - the things that children write in their work which are clearly so wrong, but so very funny). I'm saving something from it for blip sometime this week, but I have to share a couple of quotes from it.

"There are lots of carnivorous forests in Scotland. And in the forest you can see dears and slags."

"Today our teacher tort us about the Hardon-Collider. When it's turned on it could corse a big bang"

"She went mad, and they put her in a menstral institution"

Kids. They are great.

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