A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

My wee angel!

Regular readers will recall that I did a pencil drawing of Corin a couple of weeks ago and that I had started one of James.

This is it - finished.

He's actually framed and on my wall at the moment. The quote of the day was me walking into the living room and telling Corin that I had "finished James off". Horrible. But he knew what I meant.

Other things from today -

Finished off wrapping the christmas presents - in fact i am now worried as I have never been this organised about Christmas in my whole life. Who have I forgotten???

James spent all day at his former childminders...not seen him since 1pm - just about to go and get him - he has wanted to stay as long as possible bless him. He does miss Lorna.

Caught an interesting light effect on the trees at the bottom of the road as the sun was going down this afternoon - lasted about 5 minutes.

Corin also put up twinkly lights on our new summer house and I managed to capture what looks like a ghost cat whilst taking night photos of the lights! Also played with a torch - because I wanted to.

Other shots of the drawing - some framed

Have a good evening everyone!

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