5 years ago...

This man and I kissed for the first time.
I liked it so much I married him!!!

T'is the season of frozen pipes and suchlike. Maybe that will mean some work. Not complaining though because with Corin home today he helped me to tidy up then we went for a very short walk in the Forest Park. At minus 8 degrees all day (and colder now) I am afraid I didn't last very long before I wanted to cry like a big girl.

Subsequently been in the back garden and taken some shots of the moon too.

It's a full lunar eclipse tomorrow morning, very early - starting around 6.30am on Tuesday 21st December. It looks like us northerners will have a better view than those in the south, simply because the moon will be quite low in the sky. I might get up. I might not.

The rest are here - Moon, and Birchwood Forest Park.

Have a great night everyone. I'm off to cook toad in the hole with home made chunky chips. Yum yum.

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