Don't tell Corin...

but it would appear that another blippercompletely wore me out yesterday! I went to bed and completely crashed out last night - didn't even hear Corin come to bed. Then I slept till past midday today (what a sloth!) and when I got up I felt lousy, so I got a blanket and snuggled on the sofa for the rest of the day watching crap telly whilst James played with his friend Jack and Corin went and did his Christmas shopping! If I hadn't have hadto have gone food shopping, frankly I'd have stayed there for the rest of the night too!

Other than that, nothing to report really - the fridge and freezer are stocked up, the turkey is bought and hopefully we have enough provisions now to see us through to after Christmas, so I don't have to venture out to the Godforsaken hellhole that is Asda Birchwood in the days before Christmas ...really, its Christmas, not the end of the world as we know it...bread and milk WILL be available! (I went to Sainsburys tonight - it was quiet and the assistants were chatty and helpful, and there was a distinct absence of chavs. Oh, I am SUCH a snob!)

Briefly tormented the cats with baubles - James was chief instigator! I just took the photos.

Waiting for snow...please let it snow...everyone else seems to have it...even my brother down in London....

I am officially a big softie apparently - I informed Corin that it is the 4th anniversary of our first kiss tonight (about 9pm!) - he just smiled and told me I am a big old softie - then dropped the "old" quite quickly...! He's right though - it must be a woman thing - I can remember the time, the date, the place and everything about it. Maybe it's because it was the day that made my life change for the better. I love you heaps Corin - can't wait to marry you!

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