The Blue Angels

I hate it when somebody shows you a photo, and says..."If you look REAL can see a (fill in the blank.)

Well...if you look REAL close, you can see four jets in a very tight flying formation...just to the left of the Pensacola Lighthouse tower.

I was told it was a good spot to get photos. But, you hear the planes long before you see them. So, when you do finally see them....WOOOOSSHHH!!!...they're by you...lining up the next fly-by.

I did climb the tower after the planes landed. 177 steps to the top, with no landings (rest stops.) The view from the top, and the first-order Fresnel lens...make it worth the climb.

After getting a late start leaving Florida, I am spending the night in Country Music USA...Nashville, Tennessee.

I thought (for 2 seconds) about putting a few more shots on Flickr...but I'm too pooped to participate. Night-night.

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