Finally...A Sand Castle

I told myself that I was going to build at least one before heading for home. Today was the day.

I arrived at the shore at 9 a.m., and had my pick of parking spots. I checked the sand, and chose my spot. With 2 five gallon buckets, and a shovel...I started my pile.

After 10-15 minutes, the work made me miss the back I used to have when I was 30. But, I plodded on.

There is something to be said about laying out on the beach, and being covered with water and sand. Makes you feel like a kid again.

The build took me four hours. FOUR HOURS! time flies when you're having fun, 'tho I did miss my Dad and my B-I-L Steve. We used to build some whoppers.

A gentleman with a camera approached. "Excuse me Sir, I'm from the Bradenton Herald, and I would love to put you and your castle on tomorrow's front page. WOO-HOO!

About that last paragraph...APRIL FOOLS!!!

I took a few pictures, had a Nikon camera girl take my picture, then left the beach.

May the elements (or toddlers or teen-agers) take it down. Just a couple of birds on the above link.

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