Sand Castle

Not a good sand castle, but still a sand castle.

We didn't have much time, so I didn't prepare my pile of sand like I usually do. You really need to pour on the water to make the sand stick together. Plus...since we weren't staying long... I made big features...instead of smaller details.

Merrick wasn't real interested in helping me build, his credit...he didn't want to destroy it, either. He did lean over at one point, and grabbed one of the snow sand balls. Once you make them, and put them on the castle...the water seeps out of them. So, when you grab them later...they crumble in your hands.

Since I don't feel completely crippled, I'm encouraged enough that I might build another one before I return home. Maybe I'll hire a couple of young teens to shovel the sand, and carry the 5 gallon buckets of water. HA!

Nice day here...75F and sunny. The weather brought a LOT of people to the seashore, so we sat in quite a traffic jam to get off the island.

You can see about half of my "tools" on the right. I usually only use 4 tools (primarily one), but I 've found that if you surround yourself with all sorts of "sand stuff"...people are impressed...and they whisper..."He sure has a lot of tools." HA!...again.

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