Pink Rose on Statue

Be nice to me. I gave blood today. I like to give blood in Florida for two reasons. 1. It's helping someone. 2. They give you free "stuff."

I got a ticket to go to the movies, a 6-inch turkey hoagie, a bottle of cranberry juice, and...since they messed up on the first attempt on my left arm, a St. Patrick's Day t-shirt. They did finally get a pint of blood out of my right arm.

Since I was a pint low, I decided to take it easy with a walk stroll through the Ringling Museum and its grounds. I actually spent a lot of time next door at the College of South Florida in a couple of their buildings.

I tried to fit in,
tried to look like a student.
But as hard as I tried...
it was a failed experiment.

I tried to look young,
which would be a real breakthrough.'s SOOOO hard to do,
when your age is 62.

I was treated to a wonderful 20-25 minute piano "concert" in the music room. I asked the little girl when she was finished if she was studying to be a musician, and she answered..."Nah, I just play it as a stress reliever." Wow. She was REALLY good. Click above for a few museum shots, and a couple pictures of "coupling" ospreys.

Perhaps I should have had my picture taken while giving blood. Might have been a real sympathy getter. ;0)

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