A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


The aliens are coming and this is their spaceship.

J did get some air but his shoddy Ma failed to time her picture taking properly.

I did contemplate calling this grounded as I have been. It is the start of lessons time and instead of meeting my lovely teacher on the slopes I am back in my hotel room with my leg on a pile of pillows and a carrier bag of fresh snow on my knee. A first for me, I got taken out my a boarder. And not in a nice buying me dinner kind of way. In that taking the ground from under my feet, sending me into the air until my head, swiftly followed by my knee were reunited with the ground. That was a shock, not least the sound my head made when it made contact. Fortunately my skis came straight off mid-air somewhere so my knee is very bashed but I don't think twisted in any way. I was very shaken but fortunately was with my lovely and very competent friend Rob who stood guard on me in the middle of the piste to ensure no-one else skiied into me until I could catch my breath and get to the side. The boarder was absolutely lovely and clearly mortified by what he had done and hung around much longer than he needed to even after I had assured him I was fine and given him permission to carry on.

Also fortunately it was the last run before lunch and there wasn't a great deal of skiing left into town and most of it was shooshing which was a good thing as turning on my left knee made me cry. Before that it was a brilliant morning skiing with Rob, Cameron and Jackson. Lots of lovely long runs, some new lifts and a trip through one of the jump parks. So great to have happened at the end of that but I really hope I can get back out for a morning tomorrow so my last run of the trip wasn't done with tears streaming down my face.

Still, as I had said to Jackson earlier skiing is mainly about collecting tales to tell. This was when we thought the most exciting tale of the morning would be mistiming getting onto a lift and causing it to stop.

Anna had a ski with Carl this morning and was too tired after lunch for her lesson so I have a nurse to plump my pillows, collect snow in a plastic bag to ice my knee and pour me drinks. Also means Carl gets to have some one-on-one tuition which will hopefully be a good thing for his skiing confidence. So every funny shaped cloud and all that.

In the meantime Anna and I will hit the spa and hopefully my knee will heal.

Lesley x

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