A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Blue skies

Most of the day was spent skiing not being able to see further than a couple of metres in any direction so nice, if slightly odd, to remember quite how hot and sunny it was skiing this morning. Jackson and Carl headed off with Cameron and Rob, whilst me and Anna conquered her fear of going on a chairlift with anyone other than a qualified instructor. Being the brave soul she is, she not only did it but then proceeded to hurl herself back down the slope. A great confidence booster for her which apparently she took into her lesson in the afternoon.

Me, Verns and Carl also made great progress in both technique and confidence in our lesson, happily charging down slopes that had us thinking twice earlier in the week. In large part credit goes to Giles, our fabulous teacher. And also the lack of visibility which means that you can't let what you think a slope looks like put you off. By the time you realise how steep it is you're committed. Another go on the run into town made Carl happy as he has had it as his skiing goal for the last year. Unfortunately his bad back has made an untimely reappearance so he might miss the last skiing day tomorrow. On a positive note he has ended on a high completing the town run and he is now highly incentivised to go to the Pilates classes he's been talking about for a long time.

In a moment of potential madness me and J decided to end the day with the run into town instead of taking the telecabina. With no guide and no visibility it could all have gone horribly wrong but with lots of people having the same idea we followed the masses and made it back in one piece and very happy. If exhausted. This old body needs to do some serious stretching if I am to be able to move tomorrow.

I think the best sign that everyone is having a great time is that talk has started to turn to when we go again.

Lesley x

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