eight 'siblings'

A first capture (ever) of my daughter's eight 'siblings' all together. There is her brother, her four half sisters and her step brother and sister - and she reigns over them as the biggest, the eldest and all knowing oldest! As she says to new friends when they ask "it is complicated" and what she says to old friends is "it's actually a lot of fun!" Which it is and noisy and demanding and busy and just a bit nuts!

However today on her sixteenth birthday it was just her and I - what a treat. We went to the city and she finally got her ears pierced, had a facial, bought new jeans, a couple of beautiful dresses, trainers, perfume and nail polish and enjoyed lunch out together. Then we met up with the 'family' and celebrated over dinner.

How did those sixteen years fly by so fast and how did I get so lucky to end up with such a delight in my life? Happy birthday Indus x

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