Plus ça change...

By SooB

Then I Met You

Third in the blip Proclaimers series: a wonderful, exuberant, love song.

Quite inappropriate for my day.

About 2 miles into the 400 mile journey home from London I had a call that my Gran was very poorly and not expected to make it through the day. A change of route had me in Newcastle four hours later, just hoping to make it in time. Pouring rain and cancelled trains didn't help - but the main thing was to get there.

My Gran is 89. As I've mentioned, until recent heart trouble, she'd been a stranger to the Health Service since 1942. Although short in stature she's always loomed large - full of life and energy. To see her so small and full of tubes in that bed was truly sobering.

She did wake from time to time and we were able to chat, but the morphine made her very tired. We (her three grandkids) were very reluctant to leave her in the evening, but headed home to get what sleep we could. Waiting for a call from the hospital - which thankfully didn't come.

But, a blip series is a blip series. So here, backblipped, is the only photo I took today - a quick shot out of the window arriving in Newcastle. Spurious link... a city is mentioned in the song. I'm sure you'll give me a break on relevance today.

You can hear it here. I defy anyone who's been in love not to feel their heart soar in the chorus.

Then I Met You

Thought that I'd be happy
Going to be so happy
Living life alone and never sharing anything

Thought that I was finished
Thought that I was complete
Thought that I was whole instead of being half of something

Thought that I was growing
Growing older, wiser
Understanding why this world held nothing for my spirit

Thought that I was destined
Destined to be nothing
Destined to be nothing in this world and then I met you.

I met you

Thought that God had failed me
Thought my prayers were useless
Thought that he would never give the chance for me to praise him

Thought the book was written
Thought the game had ended
Thought the song was sung and I could never sing another

Thought my faith was misplaced
Thought my back was broken
Broken by a weight that I was never fit to carry

Thought I knew this city
Thought I knew all about it
And then one night I went to Morningside and you were waiting

I met you

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