My Old Friend the Blues
Fourth of the Proclaimers series.
Yesterday's third song is backblipped here.
After a scary and mostly sleepless night, we headed off to the hospital this morning to find Gran much improved - sitting up and demanding food. We've been told not to expect much - but just to have some time with her back to her usual self feels like such a gift. We loaded her up with malt loaf and wine gums (probably the diet that got her in this position, but at least she was eating), had a good chat and left her to a snooze and then another visit from my Dad and sister.
Back home now, it's hard not to jump whenever the phone rings.
You can listen to the song here. Today's blip series prop is the oldest harmonica in the house. Conor plays it mostly (pretty well too). It's an instrument I most closely associate with the Blues, which I always find strangely uplifting as it goes.
My old friend the blues
Just when every ray of hope was gone
I should have known that you would come along
I can't believe I ever doubted you
My old friend the blues
Another lonely night, a nameless town
If sleep don't take me first, you'll come around
'Cause I know I can always count on you
My old friend the blues
Lovers leave and friends will let you down
But you're the only sure thing that I've found
No matter what I do I'll never lose
My old friend the blues
Just let me hide my weary heart in you
My old friend the blues
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