Cap in Hand
Number two in the Proclaimers blip series. Number one, backblipped today, is here.
After a late start to the day (very late finish to yesterday - happy birthday L) we wandered off for a fine lunch, then I headed into town to take a shot of the Houses of Parliament for this blip. Instead, I followed the sound of the pipes and found this busker on Westminster Bridge. Seemed appropriate.
I think the song will need some explaining to those outside the UK. I'm just not sure I'm wholly qualified to do so. Scotland is a country in its own right. It is also (since 1707) a part of the UK. In the 1980s, when this song was written, the UK had a Conservative Government, even though the Conservative vote in Scotland was tiny. There was much resentment, and probably still is.
Now Scotland has its own Parliament again, which has powers over certain matters. I think change may be afoot if a Conservative UK Government is elected on a predominantly English vote next year.
Any Scots who want to step in and explain the rest... feel free.
One thing I can explain is that Stranraer and Hibs are both football teams, and the Proclaimers are Hibs fans.
You can listen to it here.
Cap in Hand
I could tell the meaning of a word like serene
I got some 'O' Grades when I was sixteen
I can tell the difference between margarine and butter
I can say "Saskatchewan" without starting to stutter
But I can't understand why we let someone else rule our land, cap in hand
I could get a broken jaw from being in a fight
I know its evening when day turns to night
I can understand why Stranraer lie so lowly
They could save a lot of points by signing Hibs Goalie
But I can't understand why we let someone else rule our land, cap in hand
We fight - when they ask us
We boast - then we cower
We beg
For a piece of
Whats already ours
Once I thought I could make God a bribe
So I said I was in his lost tribe
Getting handouts can be so frustrating
"Get in line son, there's five million waiting"
I can't understand why you let someone else rule your land, cap in hand
I can't understand why we let someone else rule our land, cap in hand
I can't understand why you let someone else rule your land, cap in hand
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