Plus ça change...

By SooB

Ghost of Uncle Rob present

Lazy day with a quick turn around Dirleton Castle and mostly just sitting about apart from that. The kids took all their knights swords (polystyrene), shields (2xcardboard, 1x frisby and gaffer tape) and helmets (roman) to the castle to stage various dramatic battles on the battlements (well, why else are they callled that). I like to think we gave the large family of french tourists an interesting twist on the Scottish castle experience. My knowledge of the language seemed to be telling me that they were saying "how can we shake off that weird bunch of loud fighting children", but I might have mistaken the dialect....

I spent a pointless amount of time driving to and from and to and from Haddington to collect the lamb for tomorrow's dinner, having forgotten about the butcher's lunchtime closing. However, the first (pointless) trip ended up with me seeing a friend who's moved away and I haven's seen for ages, and the second (more pointful as the shop was open) trip almost resulting in a lovely shot of a buzzard if that car hadn't zoomed up and chased it away. Next time.

Then an all too rare night out in our local. Don't know why we always wait until friends are staying before we get a babysitter. Note to self to have more nights out just hanging out locally.

Oh, the photo is in the castle with Rob wandering across a slow shutter speed. Must remember to take the tripod next time. Though I'm impressed how steady this is given the amount of red wine we all seemed to get through last night (recycling bins have a lot to answer for - years ago this kind of consumption was just hidden in your black binbags...not stored in your kitchen for days glowering at you.)

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