Look who I found!

After a lovely, gentle start to the New Year in bed listening to the Late Junction New Year Mix on Radio 3 at midnight we caught the train over to Cromer, on the coast, to see the New Year firework display over Cromer Pier.

It was wet, a bit windy and a bit chilly but we decided it was 'bracing' as we headed off to visit someone who I've got know via Facebook and spent a lovely hour with her chatting and enjoying home made soup. Then as we made our way down to the sea front who should we bump into but Cal and Katie - they have both appeared in Blipland before, in the journals of both Folkiebooknerd and Rosiecatwoman.

My connection with Cal and Katie is that Katie and I sang in the same choir a few years ago.

We then wimped out and spent the next hour in a pub before going out to watch the fireworks, by which time the rain had stopped - they were fantastic.

Happy new year to you all and I hope you've had as lovely a start to 2014 as I have.

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