This too shall pass

Here in the UK it's just over 6 hours before 2013 passes into history and 2014 comes into being.

It's been a bugger of a year for many people in the UK and with a General Election looming in 2015 god knows what is around the corner. It's a bit like that scene in the film 'Gladiator' where Russell Crowe stands in the arena and says 'we don'tknow what will come out of those doors but whatever it is, we will handle it' (or words to that effect).

I did a quick tot-up of the albums I posted on Facebook, by subject area, and was surprised to see that top of the list was 'events' closely followed by 'demonstrations and political activity'. It was good to see that I had several albums which were about music or musicians and that 'friends'and 'home' also featured. 'Cats' were toward the bottom of the list.

There is so much to learn and explore in the world of photography - maybe 2014 will be the year in which some of these mysteries will be revealed. I hope so. But whatever happens I will continue to enjoy looking, seeing and clicking.

Had a long conversation with Roland this afternoon which helped me unravel lots of 'stuff' and has given me a little bit of hope for the future. He is so wise - not only my beloved but also a wonderful critical friend. As I am to him.

Spent most of the day inside, as it was such a grey day it didn't seem to get light at all. We're having a snuggly evening with a simple meal, some good music and a pile of cats.

Thinking of you all and let's hope people can be just a little bit kinder to each other in 2014.

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