A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Louvre Selfie

One of those days when it is hard to believe this was only this morning. Despite everyone having a much needed lie-in the advantage of staying across the road from the Louvre meant we were there in reasonable time. And despite the promise of queuing for over an hour it was actually only about 20minutes. And worth every one of them with the Mona Lisa, Venus de Milo and Sleeping Hermaphrodite ticked off, amongst others. Of course we only did about a hundredth of what was on offer but after two hours we were all well and truly ready for lunch. Which was to be found at the great Cafe de la Comedie back towards the metro. And was completely marvellous for the grown-ups and generally marvellous for the kids once the unadvertised extras had been removed. There seem to be a lot of unadvertised extras on the food.

Back to the hotel for a post outing relax and recharge before heading out for a walk along the Seine to see Notre Dame. And pick up take-away crepes and tacky souvenirs.

To the hotel for a quick swim for me and A and catching up on some premier football for J and C. Then off to Brasserie Julien for dinner. Which was totally successful, had no unadvertised extras and the very nicest wine.

Not surprisingly, after walking about 6 miles today, the kids requested room service pudding so we are now back at the hotel with chocolate fondants for them and a glass of red wine for me and no complaints as I get to read more of my book. Carl, if you are wondering, is in the bar with a beer and a physics book so basically everyone is happy.

A funny day, as sort of exhausting but incredibly relaxing at the same time. I think it might just be the break from filling and emptying the dishwasher.

Lesley x

EDIT: and I almost forgot the great education the kids had in French taxi drivers (or possibly just taxi drivers). On the way to the restaurant we had the highly opinionated variety: all the people who live in Paris are stupid because they no longer read or think, only watch television and repeat what others say with no original thought (he is Parisian but doesn't own a tv), Sarcozy had them in the basement but Hollande is digging, etc, etc. On the way back we had the crazy driving, talking non stop on his phone about how Silvie was always criticising him, you and tout les monde variety.

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