A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Le Train Bleu

About to arrive at the Eurostar terminal at St Pancras. So one last image of our mini break to Paris. This was our very lovely lunch venue at Gare De Lyon. Highly recommended if you are ever in the vicinity. Especially the Nikita cocktail which I will hope to be recreating soon.

Morning of glorious blue skies and sunshine but a little too cold to stand in the long, long queues at the Eiffel Tower as we had failed to book advance tickets in the madness of end of term and Christmas. And another lie-in meant we weren't quite there early enough. So we contented ourselves with looking up admiringly and talking about how we will be more organised next time. Which the kids are very keen will be soon as they have loved this little taster trip as much as we have.

Tower climbing aborted we hopped onto a tour bus to get a more leisurely view of Paris. A little chilly there too so A and C got off at the stop near our hotel while me and J stayed on until Notre Dame and then had a lovely walk back along the Seine and through the Jardin Tuilieres. Back to the hotel for a last dip in the pool, pack, leave for lunch and then time to head to Gare du Nord for our train home.

Our visitors have handily signalled their arrival through the medium of blip so at least I know the potential post holiday blues will be kept at bay for at least 4 more days.

Lesley x

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